
Growth Marketing aka "Growth Hacking"

Easier Conversions. Charge higher fees or rates. Have more freedom. Play it like a leader.

Sound good? Here are some marketing “hacks�? to get you there.


The Newspaper headlines in 2017 = Hope and uncertainty in the Global Economy.

Hope exists because there are people who know the formula – or growth hacks – for a successful global economy:
They talk about the need for policy change.
They talk about fostering a great environment to work in.
They talk about human capital investment and development.
They talk about lack of investment – and the impact this has on growth, belief in businesses and less determination to succeed.

YOUR BUSINESS is a micro economy. Small improvements over time can make a major impact on the health and vitality of your business.

This spring, tackle downtime and reduce your over time. Look at what actions can be automated. Reduce waste or push one of the marketing levels by 1% up which has been shown to push growth up by 30%.

But above all, if you start your marketing tomorrow with the following great Marketing Hacks – you will see growth because Marketing in todays economic climate is a tool under your CONTROL. You can scale it. You can manage its presence. You can control its voice.


And the benefits? Growth or Hack Marketing will give your business the following important stabilizing and sustainability factors:

  1. It will maintain your business and its presence.
  2. It will increase customer engagement – the soul of a business! Often your clients no longer visit your brick and mortar stores or offices, choosing instead to interact online. Are you interacting back?
  3. Your customer base will grow with new fresh clients
  4. You will sell more, upsell more and most importantly make more connections.
  5. You will be a role player in the community you ‘take’ from if your social marketing is supported by community support initiatives.

Growth Hacking is the fusion between TECHNOLOGY AND MARKETING

What does your website connect your business to? 51% of Americans prefer to shop online. However, the trends are being ignored and 74 % of small business websites have no eCommerce.

Also consider that 25% of online shoppers are influenced by social media recommendations.

Be aware of the risk: 43% of cyber attacks target small business.


Growth mindset vs Fixed mindset
Having a growth mindset means knowing "I can learn anything I want to".

The "Hacks"

  1. Develop a strong call to action.
    Fact: 75% of brands do not have strong calls to action, The leads to loss of sales and failure.
  2. Give your brand a voice and showcase your products with a video. Let consumers see your product in action! A 2-minute video can put your brand ahead of the pack
  3. Use good quality and striking images.
    When it comes to taking the final steps before actually committing to making a purchase, visuals are crucial.
  4. Link knowledge to your brand.
    Make videos or write ‘tips and tricks’ on the best ways to enjoy your product. This type of content is always a great visual asset to have as it encourages people to share your product or business on social media with their friends. Other ways to link knowledge and expertise to your brand is through bloggers, content creators and social media influencers.
  5. Use the Top trending digital marketing technique: Email Marketing.
    Some interesting stats to consider:
    54% of all email opens occur on mobile, 30% on webmail and only 16% on desktop.
    Millennials are the age group most likely to check their email from bed (70%), from the bathroom (57%), or while driving (27%).
    Marketers who use personalization in their subject lines see 26% more opens.
    89% of marketers say that email is their primary channel for lead generation.
    65% of users prefer emails to contain mostly images.
    Adding video to an email can increase click rates by 300%
  6. Deliver information fast: Use Infographics.
    The use of charts, maps, graphs and diagrams attracts and maintains attention to information more that words ever could. Why?Tthey communicate important information faster and are visually appealing.
  7. Create Viral Memes
    Funny memes and inspiring quotes are easy to share across various social media platforms. Tip: Include your brand colours and always align the memes or quotes with the values of the brand.

TLDR? Click the thumbnail below to see Hack #6 in action.

Written by Carmen Lerm

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